Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Movng Up the Ladder

The article written by Victor Flowers

Today, I turned on expertsatellite and tried to get my mind off of everything that I had left untied at work. It was my day off, but I was being bad and bringing my work home with me. I used to never bring my work home. I was always really carefree and worried about work only when I was there. Actually, now that I think about it, I didn’t ever even worry about it. Part of the problem that comes with being promoted ( I was delighted to get a promotion!) is having a lot more responsibility. In my case, it means being responsible for other workers and their production. I never realized what my boss meant before when she said that she worried about something all weekend. Now I find myself doing the same. Honestly, I don’t know that all of the worry and extra effort is worth the pay! It was good for my career but if moving up the latter means worrying that much more, I don’t know that I am cut out for this job!